- 群论英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 积分常数 constant of integration
- 比例常数 constant of proportionality
- 常数层 constant sheaf
- 定常态 constant state
- 常数项 constant term
- 组成成分 constituent
- 受制极值 constrained extreme value
- 受制对局 constrained game
- 受制最佳(适;优)化 constrained optimizations
- 受制系统 constrained system
- 受制变分 constrained variation
- 制限;约束 constraint
- 约束备格;约束规范 constraint qualifications (C.Q.)
- 制限集(合) constraint set
- 可构作性 constructibility
- 可构作的 constructible
- 可构作集 constructible set
- 作图;构建 construction
- 造函数法 construction of function
- 作图题 construction problem
- 标尺作图法;希腊[规矩]作图法 construction with ruler and compasses
- 构建主义 constructionism
- 构造性定义 constructive definition
- 可构造序数 constructive ordinals
- 构造主义者 constructivist