- 群论英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 共轭切线 conjugate tangents
- 共轭变换 conjugate transformation
- 共轭转置矩阵;伴随矩阵 conjugate transpose matrix
- 共轭向量空间 conjugate vector space
- 合取 conjunct
- 命题的合取 conjunction of propositions
- 共轭相合矩阵 conjunctive matrices
- 合取正规式 conjunctive normal form
- 合取变换 conjunctive transformation
- 连通的 connected
- 连通复体 connected complex
- 连通泛函 connected functional
- 连通有阶代数 connected graded algebra
- 连接图 connected graph
- 连通区域 connected region
- 函子之连结序列 connected sequence of functors
- 连通点集 connected set of points
- 连通空间 connected space
- 连接态 connected state
- 连通系(统) connected systems
- 连通性 connectedness
- 联络{微n} connection
- 联络矩阵 connection matrix
- 联结词;连符 connective
- 联结运算 connective operation