- 数学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 半连续点 point of semicontinuity
- 支撑点 point of support
- 切点 point of tangency
- 一致收敛点 point of uniform convergence
- 点偶 point pair
- 点过程 point process
- 点列 point range
- 点序列 point sequence
- 点集 point set
- 点斜式 point slope form
- 点谱 point spectrum
- 点球 point sphere
- 点对称 point symmetry
- 有点复形 pointed complex
- 尖锥 pointed cone
- 有点集 pointed set
- 有点单纯复形 pointed simplicial complex
- 地址计数器 pointer
- 点态有界序列 pointwise bounded sequence
- 点态连续性 pointwise continuity
- 点态连续函数 pointwise continuous function
- 点态收敛 pointwise convergence
- 点态收敛族 pointwise convergent family
- 点态收敛序列 pointwise convergent sequence
- 点态不连续性 pointwise discontinuity