- 数学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 零椭圆 point ellipse
- 点方程 point equation
- 点估计 point estimation
- 点有限覆盖 point finite cover
- 点函数 point function
- 点群 point group
- 点理想 point ideal
- 点列对合 point involution
- 点格 point lattice
- 点质量 point mass
- 点测度 point measure
- 接触点 point of adherence
- 触点 point of closure
- 凝聚点 point of condensation
- 连续点 point of continuity
- 收敛点 point of convergence
- 确定点 point of determinacy
- 不连续点 point of discontinuity
- 发散点 point of divergence
- 分点 point of division
- 歧点 point of indeterminacy
- 无穷远点 point of infinity
- 拐点 point of inflection
- 交点 point of intersection
- 不可约性点 point of irreducibility