- 计量学编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 均匀引力时 uniform gravitational time
- 均匀加热器 uniform heater
- 均匀光照度 uniform illuminance
- 均匀加载 uniform loading
- 均质材料 uniform material
- 均匀源 uniform source
- 均匀间隔 uniform spacing
- 均匀扫描率 uniform sweep rate
- 温度均匀区 uniform temperature region
- 统一[性];一致[性];均匀[性] uniformity
- 校正一致性 uniformity of calibration
- 硬度均匀性 uniformity of hardness
- 勃氏硬度块的均匀度 uniformity of hardness test block for Brinell
- 洛氏和表面洛氏硬度块均匀度 uniformity of hardness test block for Rockwell and Rockwell superficial
- 萧氏硬度块均匀度 uniformity of hardness test block for Shore
- 维氏硬度块均匀度 uniformity of hardness test block for Vickers
- 量测一致性 uniformity of measurement
- 量测仪器一致性 uniformity of measuring instrument
- 标尺均匀性 uniformity of scale
- 灵敏度均匀性 uniformity of sensitivity
- 温度均匀性 uniformity of temperature
- 均匀比 uniformity ratio
- 统一力 unifying force
- 单面狭缝 unilateral slit
- 单向公差 unilateral tolerance