- 计量学编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 单向水中听器阵列 unidirectional hydrophone array
- 单向磁化 unidirectional magnetization
- 单向麦克风 unidirectional microphone
- 单向电势 unidirectional potential
- 统一;一致 unification
- 量测统一标准 unification standards of measurement
- 统一原子质量常数 unified atomic mass constant
- 统一原子质量单位 unified atomic mass unit
- 统一粗牙螺纹 unified coarse thread(UNC)
- 统一细牙螺纹 unified fine thread(UNF)
- 统一频率标准 unified frequency standard
- 统一螺纹 unified screw thread
- 统一标准 unified standard
- 统一量测系统 unified system of measurements
- 单丝静电计 unifilar electrometer
- 单丝悬挂 unifilar suspension
- 均匀色品图 uniform chromaticity scale diagram (ucs diagram)
- 均匀色源 uniform color source
- 均匀收敛 uniform convergence
- 均匀漫反射 uniform diffuse reflection
- 均匀漫射体 uniform diffuser
- 均匀分布 uniform distribution
- 均匀漂移 uniform drift
- 均匀场 uniform field
- 均匀场区域 uniform field region