- 纺织科技专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 抗消石灰性 resistance to lime
- 抗霉性 resistance to mildew
- 抗氧化性 resistance to oxidation
- 抗腐蚀性 resistance to rot
- 抗摩擦性 resistance to rubbing
- 抗收缩性 resistance to shrinkage
- 耐污性 resistance to soiling
- 耐蒸热性 resistance to steam heat
- 抗菌性 resistance to sterilization
- 抗剥离性 resistance to stripping
- 抗升华性 resistance to sublimation
- 抗膨润性 resistance to swelling
- 抗撕裂性 resistance to tearing
- 抗紫外光线性 resistance to UV-rays
- 抗吸水性 resistance to water absorption
- 耐穿性,耐磨性 resistance to wear
- 耐穿着性 resistance to wear and tear
- 抗皱纹性 resistance to wrinkling
- 耐变黄性 resistance to yellowing
- 防染剂 resisting agent
- 阻抗值 resistivity
- 共振 resonance
- 共振能 resonance energy
- 共振结构 resonance structure
- 共振频率 resonant frequency