- 纺织科技专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 阻力矩 resistance moment
- 电阻温度计 resistance thermometer
- 抗摩擦性,耐磨损性 resistance to abrasion
- 抗老化性 resistance to ageing
- 抗碱性 resistance to alkali
- 抗菌性 resistance to bacteria
- 抗弯曲性 resistance to bending
- 抗漂白性 resistance to bleaching
- 抗渗色性,抗渗化性 resistance to bleeding
- 抗断裂性 resistance to breakage
- 抗碳化性 resistance to carbonizing
- 抗化学药剂性 resistance to chemicals
- 抗氯性 resistance to chlorine
- 耐寒性 resistance to cold weather
- 抗皱性 resistance to creasing
- 抗皱性 resistance to crushing
- 耐损害 resistance to damage
- 耐干洗性 resistance to dry cleaning
- 耐疲劳性 resistance to fatigue
- 抗缩绒性 resistance to felting
- 抗烟熏褪色性 resistance to fume fading
- 抗气体褪色性 resistance to gas fading
- 抗热性 resistance to heat
- 抗蛀性 resistance to insects
- 抗日旋光性 resistance to light