- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 白餐酒 table white wine
- 书写用薄纸 table writing paper
- 台式扭力天平 table-type torque balance
- 台虎钳 table-vice
- 桌布纸 tablecloth paper
- 勾针镶拼台布 tablecloth with crochet insertion
- 菲立拼方台布 tablecloth with fillet squares and edges
- 镶边台布 tablecloth with lace border
- 药片药丸盛装机 tablet and pill filling machine
- 小平板车 tablet car
- 压片机 tablet compressing machine
- 补血宁神片 tablet for blood-enriching and mind-tranquilizing
- 肾康宁片 tablet for chronic nephritis
- 心血宁片 tablet for coronary heart disease and hypertension
- 骨质增生片 tablet for osteo phyte
- 防感片 tablet for preventing common cold
- 活血通脉片 tablet for promoting coronary circulation
- 舒筋活血片 tablet for relieving rigidity of muscles and promoting blood circulation
- 再障生血片 tablet for replenishing blood and treating aplastic anemia
- 感冒清片 tablet for treating common cold
- 抗骨髓炎片 tablet for treating osteomyelitis
- 妇康宁片 tablet for women's health and tranquilness
- 刺五加片 tablet of acanthopanax senticosus
- 羚羊感冒片 tablet of antelope's horn for common cold
- 止咳止喘片 tablet of antibechic and antiasthmatica