- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 高频示波器 ondograph
- 波长计 ondometer
- 辉光管振荡指示器 ondoscope
- 波形纱线 ondé yarn
- 单线圈变压器 one coil transformer
- 单组分聚氨酯密封胶 one component polyurethane sealant
- 一面曲一面平镜头 one curve and one plane lens
- 一位群连接器 one digit group connector
- 单向止推滚珠轴承 one direction thrust ball bearing
- 单向止推轴承 one direction thrust bearing
- 单耳食管胸腔听诊器 one ear esophageal-chest stethoscope
- 单发生器 one generator
- 单手快速夹紧卡钳 one hand quick grip wrench
- 单马达移动吊车 one motor traveling crane
- 单针锁缝机 one needle lockstitch machine
- 单包装保温固化硅橡胶 one package RTV silicon rubber
- 一体式电话 one piece phone
- 单象摄影机 one shot camera
- 单头螺纹 one start screw
- 单触自动转换开关 one touch switcher
- 止回节流阀 one way restrictor valve
- 单轮播种耕作机 one wheel seeder and cultivator
- 单地址计算机 one-address computer
- 单轴激光陀螺仪 one-axis laser gyroscope
- 单轴铲运机 one-axle scraper