- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 办公用复印机 office duplicator
- 办公设备 office equipment
- 办公家具 office furniture
- 办公用打孔器 office perforator
- 办公用印刷机 office printing machine
- 办公用品 office supplies
- 办公室闭路电视 office? enclosed circuit TV
- 平移弯管 offset bend
- 胶版书籍纸 offset book paper
- 弯头梅花扳手 offset box wrench
- 偏心凸轮 offset cam
- 移轴牙轮钻头 offset cone bit
- 胶版复印纸 offset copying paper
- 偏迹计算机 offset course computer
- 偏置曲轴 offset crankshaft
- 偏置汽缸 offset cylinder
- 偏置圆盘耙 offset disc harrow
- 小胶印机 offset duplicator
- 偏心式电极 offset electrode
- 胶印亮光油墨 offset gloss ink
- 偏颈手摇把 offset hand lever
- 滚珠轴承偏置铰链 offset hinge with ball bearing
- 胶印油墨 offset ink
- 带活舌偏置链节 offset link with movable lug
- 胶版印刷机 offset machine