- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 薄型亚麻细平布 handkerchief linen
- 手帕织机 handkerchief loom
- 手巾纸 handkerchief paper
- 手巾纸 handkerchief tissue
- 手压泵 handlance
- 手压水泵 handlance pump
- 带喷嘴的手喷枪 handlance with nozzle
- 把手 handle
- 车把 handle bar
- 砂轮割刀柄 handle for grinding wheel dresser
- 带柄圆凿 handle gouge
- 手锤 handle hammer
- 砂轮刮刀柄 handle of emery wheel-scraper
- 手柄操作缝纫机 handle operated sewing machine
- 手柄弹簧 handle spring
- 织物手感测定器 handle-o-meter
- 贴柄机 handle-sticking machine
- 自行车铃 handlebar bell
- 车把手握柄 handlebar grip
- 车把手杆 handlebar stem
- 手持式数字测温仪 handled digital thermometer
- 桥型装卸机 handling bridge
- 装卸机械 handling machinery
- 系索三角架 handling spider
- 汉多尔牌手表 Handor