- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 绝对干涉测量激光器 absolute interferometric laser
- 绝对压力计 absolute manometer
- 海洋组合式绝对磁力仪 absolute marine combined magnetometer
- 茉莉净油 absolute of jasmine
- 墨红花净油 absolute of rose crimson glory
- 绝对压力计 absolute pressure gauge
- 绝对压力开关 absolute pressure switch
- 绝对压力传感器 absolute pressure transducer
- 绝对压力真空计 absolute pressure vacuum gauge
- 绝对日射强度计 absolute pyrheliometer
- 全记录式荧光光谱仪 absolute recording spectrofluorimeter
- 绝对式旋转编码器 absolute rotary encoder
- 绝对荧光光谱仪 absolute spectrofluorimeter
- 绝对温度计 absolute thermometer
- 绝对真空计 absolute vacuum gauge
- 绝对粘度计 absolute viscometer
- 绝对单偏振光纤 absolutely single polarization fiber
- 吸收性止血绫 absorbable stanching satin
- 吸收度监测器 absorbance monitor
- 吸收电流放大器 absorbed current amplifier
- 吸收剂 absorbefacient
- 吸收剂 absorbent
- 脱脂绷带 absorbent bandages
- 活性炭 absorbent charcoal
- 脱脂棉 absorbent cotton