- 商业英汉词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 停车率 Parking ratio
- 部分销售 Partial sales
- 部分进款 Partial taking
- 参与债务 Participating debt
- 关系人 Party in interest
- 移转凭证 Pass-through certificate
- 股息支出率 Payout ratio
- 退休金负债 Pension liability
- 百分率租金 Percentage rent
- 绩效/履约 Performance
- 履约保证 Performance bond
- 绩效衡量 Performance measurement
- 绩效基础费用 Performance-based fees
- 永久贷款 Permanent loan
- 计划资产 Plan assets
- 计划赞助商 Plan sponsor
- 小块地 Plat
- 投资组合管理 Portfolio management
- 投资组合交易额 Portfolio turnover
- 销售权限 Power of sale
- 优先股 Preferred shares
- 事先租赁 Preleased
- 预付权利 Prepayment rights
- 本益比 Price to earnings ratio
- 首次发行 Primary issuance
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