- 汽车相关词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 惯性球 inertia ball
- 惯性比例阀 inertia proportioning valve
- 惯性比例阀 inertia proportioning valve
- 惯性制动系统 inertial braking styem
- 惯性制动系统 inertial braking styem
- 惯性式起动机 inertial drive starter
- 惯性式起动机 inertial drive starter
- 惯性式同步器 inertial type of synchronizer
- 惯性式同步器 inertial type of synchronizer
- 抑制换档 inhibited shift
- 抑制换档 inhibited shift
- 限位装置 inhibiting device
- 限位装置 inhibiting device
- 初始倾斜角 initial inclination
- 初始倾斜角 initial inclination
- 初始反应时间 initial response time
- 初始反应时间 initial response time
- 制动初速度 initial speed of braking
- 制动初速度 initial speed of braking
- 注入探头 injection probe
- 注入探头 injection probe
- 进油阀 inlet valve
- 进油阀 inlet valve
- 内轴承座肩 inner bearing cup shoulder
- 内轴承座肩 inner bearing cup shoulder