- 汽车相关词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 反射镜的光照面 illuminating surface of a reflex reflextor
- 信号装置的光照面 illuminating surface of a signalling device
- 信号装置的光照面 illuminating surface of a signalling device
- 镜频抑制比 image rejection ratio
- 镜频抑制比 image rejection ratio
- 抗扰性电平 immunity level
- 抗扰度 immunity level
- 抗扰性电平 immunity level
- 抗扰度 immunity level
- 抗绕性裕量 immunity margin
- 抗绕性裕量 immunity margin
- 抗扰性试验 immunity test
- 抗扰性试验 immunity test
- 抗扰性 immunity to a distrubance
- 抗扰性 immunity to a distrubance
- 阻抗 impedance
- 阻抗 impedance
- 线束阻抗 impedance of wiring harness
- 线束阻抗 impedance of wiring harness
- 泵轮 impeller
- 泵轮 impeller
- 冲激脉冲 impulse
- 冲激脉冲 impulse
- 脉冲骚扰 impulsive distrubance
- 脉冲骚扰 impulsive distrubance