- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 实用病 Relative disease
- 相对林地 Relative forest land
- 同Relative forest land Relative forest soil
- 比较湿度表 Relative humidity table
- 继电器 Relay
- 遗存植物 Relict
- 材面殭化之消除 Relief of casehardening
- 凸凹地图 Relief-map
- 追加条款,摘要 Remarks
- 同Relief of casehardening Remedy of casehardening
- 遗存植物 Remnants
- 间隔因子 Remote factor
- 皆伐,终伐 Removal
- 后伐 Removal felling
- 移植 Removal into nursery line
- 泄K层利用 Removal of forest litter
- 掘根 Removal of stumps
- 脱翅 Removal of wings
- 林地采草权 Removal sod right
- 后伐,终伐 Removal-cutting
- 条状剥皮 Remove the bark in strips
- 集材时期 Removing time
- 车辆运材 Removing wood on wheeled conveyances
- 宿根草本 Renascent herbs
- 施业案检订 Renewal of working plan