- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 萌芽更新 Regeneration under sprout method
- 带状更新 Regeneration under strip system
- 更新级 Regeneration-class
- 更新区 Regeneration-coupe
- 更新伐,主伐 Regeneration-cutting
- 更新期 Regeneration-period
- 同regeneration cutting Regeneratory cutting
- 气候最适区 Region of climatic optimum
- 区域计划 Regional planning
- 检尺登记 Registration of the felling produce
- 检尺,伐采检查 Registration of the yield
- 后生树 Regrowth
- 预定的伐采 Regular cutting
- 同龄林 Regular forest
- 正方形植树 Regular planting
- 普通检订 Regular revision
- 常风 Regular wind
- 收获预定 Regulation of cut
- 同regulation of cut Regulation of felling budget
- 使用权整理 Regulation of servitude
- 同regulation of cut Regulation of yield
- 更正期 Regulation period
- 铁筋混凝土 Reinforced concrete
- 铁筋 Reinforcement
- 主筋 Reinforcing-bar