- 电机工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 自伴(随)系统 self-adjoint system
- 自列插棒(式)侍线机 self-aligning plunger line switch
- 自给偏压 self-bias
- 本身电容 self-capacity
- 自核码 self-checking code
- 自核数 self-checking numeral
- 自生杂斑 self-clutter
- 自(行)整流 self-commutation
- 自定界码 self-demarcating code
- 自拍;自差 self-heterodyne; antodyne autoheterodyne
- 自动电势 self-induced E.M.F.
- 自感;自感系数 self-inductance; coefficient of self-induction
- 自感应 self-induction
- 自感系数 self-induction coefficient of
- 视(在)自感应 self-induction, apparent
- 自学习 self-learning
- 自动控制器 self-operated controller
- 自择适系统 self-optimizing system
- 自组机 self-organizing machine
- 自振荡系统 self-oscillatory system
- 自束电浆 self-pinched plasma
- 自冲间遏振荡器 self-pulsing blocking oscillator
- 自修正 self-repairing
- 自饱和 self-saturation
- 自持续振荡 self-sustained oscillation