- 电机工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 有旦q流 "watt current; energy current; active current"""
- 无旦q流 "wattless current; idle current,reactive current; wattless component of the current"""
- 白色传输 "white transmission"""
- "内? " "work internal"""
- 工作周期 "work cycle"""
- 工作量度 "work measurement"""
- W - 平面 W-plane
- W - 变换(式) W-transform
- 芯片 wafer
- 瓦格纳接地法 Wagner earth connection
- 等候状况 wait condition
- 等候信号 waiting signal
- 步讲机;行动无线电机 walkie-talkie
- 墙机 wall (telephone) set
- 附壁放大器 wall attachment amplifier
- 附壁现象 wall attachment phenomena
- 穿壁套管 wall bushing
- 壁效应 wall effect
- 墙壁照明 wall lighting
- 壁开关 wall switch
- 低昂音;颤音 warbling tone
- 瓦德冷纳制 Ward Leonard system
- 垫环;垫圈;套圈 washer
- 洗衣机 washing machine
- 废料 waste
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