- 电机工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 退化P-N接面 degenerate p-n junction
- 退化参变放大器 degenerate parametric amplfier
- 退化半导体 degenerate semiconductor
- 退化电子气 degenerated electron gas
- 退化 degeneration
- 退化浓度 degeneration concentration
- 退化反馈放大器 degenerative feedback amplifier
- 减能;降格 degradation
- 中子减速度 degradation, neutron degree
- 耦合度 degree of coupling
- 畸变度;失真度 degree of distortion
- 实际失真度 degree of distortion in service
- 自由度 degree of freedom
- 起止总失真度 degree of gross startstop distortion
- (频路或波道之)固有失真度 degree of inherent distortion (of a channel)
- 重入度 degree of reentrancy
- (交)混(回)响度 degree of reverberation
- 饱和度 degree of saturation
- 标准测量失真度 degree of standardized test distortion
- 起止失真度 degree of start-stop distortion
- 同步起止失真度 degree of synchronous start-stop distortion
- 真空度 degree of vacuum
- 电角度 degree, electric
- 机械角度 degree, mechanical
- 物理角度 degree, physical