- 机构与机器原理专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 粗牙(螺纹),粗齿(齿轮)径节 coarse pitch
- 系数 coefficient
- 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
- 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
- 动摩擦系数 coefficient of kinetic friction
- 不等速运动系数 coefficient of non-uniformity of motion
- 不等速动系数 coefficient of non-uniformity of motion
- 齿廓移位系数 coefficient of profile shifting
- 恢复系数 coefficient of restitution
- 静摩擦系数 coefficient of static friction
- 静摩擦系数 coefficient of static friction
- 静摩擦系数 coefficient of static friction
- 同族的 cognate
- 同族连杆组 cognate linkages
- 同族机构 cognate mechanism
- 同族机构 cognate mechanism
- 套环链 coil chain
- 套环链 coil chain
- 轴环 collar
- 直射轴线 collineation axis
- 直射大圆(球面) collineation great circle
- Columb摩擦 Columb friction
- 柱 column
- 凸轮轮廓 com profile
- 指令 command