固有频率(振动) natural frequency固有频率,自然频率 natural frequency固有模态(振动) natural mode固有模态(振动) natural mode中立的,中性的 neutral中立轴线,中性轴线 neutral axis中立轴线,中性轴线 neutral axis中立平衡,随遇平衡 neutral equilibrium随遇平衡 neutral equilibrium中立面 neutral surfaceNewton第一定律 Newton's first law (of motion)Newton第一定律 Newton's first law (of motion)Newton第一定律 Newton's first law of motionNewton第二定律 Newton's second law (of motion)Newton第二定律 Newton's second law (of motion)Newton第二定律 Newton's second law of motionNewton第三定律 Newton's third law (of motion)Newton第三定律 Newton's third law (of motion)Newton第三定律 Newton's third law of motion结点,节点(振动) node噪音,杂讯 noise横「向」周节 nominal pitch diameter非圆形齿轮 non-circular gear非保守力,非守恒力 non-conservative force非保守力,非守恒力 non-conservative force语际翻译 版权所有
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