- 飞行动力学专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 整合动力控制单元 integrated power control unit
- 整合战术空中管制系统 integrated tactical air control system (ITACS)
- 整合战术反制 integrated tactical countermeasure (ITCM)
- 整合测试 integrated test
- 整合轨道测量系统 integrated trajectory system
- 整合武器瞄准计算器 integrated weapon-aiming computer (IWAC)
- 积分加速度计 integrating accelerometer
- 积分电路 integrating circuit
- 积分陀螺仪 integrating gyroscope
- 整合与组装 integration and assembly
- 整合警示装置 integration caution warning
- 整合工程 integration engineering
- 组合实验室 integration laboratory
- 整合技术 integration technology
- 系统整合 integration; system
- 整体性 integrity
- 情报判断 intelligence estimate
- 智能型飞弹 intelligent missile
- 强化硅靶摄像管 intensified silicon target vidicon (ISV)
- 强度 intensity
- 抖震强度 intensity of buffeting
- 压力强度 intensity of pressure
- 紊流度 intensity turbulence
- 密集飞行 intensive flying
- 学生密集飞行区 intensive student area