- 飞行动力学专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 瞬间G值 instantaneous G
- 瞬间线速度 instantaneous linear velocity
- 瞬间读出 instantaneous readout
- 瞬间转弯率 instantaneous turning rate
- 瞬间升降速率表 instantaneous vertical speed indicator (IVSI)
- 瞬间折断点 instantaneous zone
- 电机电子工程师学会(美) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
- 指令 instruction
- 说明书 instruction book
- 说明卡 instruction card
- 教练飞行 instructional flight
- 教练飞行 instructional flying
- 仪器 instrument (INSTR)
- 仪器及微波降落系统 instrument and microwave landing system
- 仪器进场 instrument approach
- 仪器进场及降落图 instrument approach and landing chart (IAL)
- 仪器进场区 instrument approach area
- 仪器进场灯光系统 instrument approach light system
- 仪器进场程序 instrument approach procedure
- 仪表板 instrument board
- 仪器轰炸 instrument bombing
- 仪器修正 instrument correction
- 仪表误差;表差;仪器误差 instrument error
- 仪器露置 instrument exposure
- 仪器飞行 instrument flight