- 通讯工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 砷化铟 indium arsenide (InAs)
- 磷化砷镓铟 indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InAaGsP)
- 磷化砷镓铟/磷化铟 indium gallium arsenide phosphide/indium phosphide (InGaAsP/InP)
- 磷化铟 indium phosphide (InP)
- 阳光中的红外线 indrared in sunlight
- 感应电动势方法 induced emf method
- 电感-电容-电阻 inductance
- 天线调谐电感 inductance, aerial tuning
- 阴极引线电感 inductance, cathode lead
- 互感 inductance, mutual
- 感应场 induction field
- 感应定理,归纳定理 induction theorem
- 电介质常数,感应率 inductivity
- 电感,感应体,感应器 inductor
- 工业应用 industrial applications
- 工业标准 industry standards
- 非弹性变形 inelastic deformation
- 契比雪夫不等式 inequality, Chebyshev
- 惯性坐标系统 inertial corrdinate system
- 相互调变干扰 inference, intermodulation
- 无限贝楞 infinite balun
- 无限脉冲响应 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)
- 无限脉冲响应系统 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) system
- 无限脉冲系统系数量化效应 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) system, coefficient quantization effect of
- 舍入噪声对无限脉冲响应之影响 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) system, roundoff noise effect of