- 通讯工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 间断(的)连续波 ICW (Interrupted Continuous Wave)
- 国际数据协调中心 IDCC (International Data Corrdination Center)
- 离散余弦反转换 IDCT
- 国际直接长途拨号 IDDD (International Direct Distance Dialing)
- 理想连续至离散时间转换 ideal Continuous-to-Discrete-time (C/D) onversion
- 理想延迟系统 ideal delay system
- 理想离散至连续时间转换 ideal Discrete-to-Continuous-time (D/C) conversion
- 理想高通滤波器频率响应 ideal highpass filter, frequency response of
- 理想高通滤波器脉冲响应 ideal highpass filter, impulse response of
- 具线性相位之理想低通滤波器 ideal lowpass filter with linear phase
- 理想低通滤波器频率响应 ideal lowpass filter, frequency response of
- 理想低通滤波器脉冲响应 ideal lowpass filter, impulse response of
- 理想低通滤波器相位响应 ideal lowpass filter, phase response of
- 理想重建滤波器 ideal reconstruction filter
- 理想信号重间系统 ideal signal reconstruction system
- 博氏-梅斯纳带数之幂等 idempotent of Bose-Mesnear algebra
- 格雷码之幂等 idempotent of Golay code
- 不归复码之幂等 idempotent of irreducible code
- 乘积码之幂等 idempotent of product code
- QR 码之幂等 idempotent of QR code
- RM 码之幂等 idempotent of RM code
- RS 码之幂等 idempotent of RS code
- 单工码之幂等 idempotent of simplex code
- 原始幂等 idempotent, primitive
- 识别码 Identifier