add/drop multiplexer 增减复用器 ADM管理员 administrator管理员 administrator导纳 admittance导纳 admittanceadaptive differential pulse code modulation 自适应差动脉冲编码调 ADPCMadaptive differential pulse code modulation 自适应差动脉冲编码调 ADPCMadaptive differential pulse code modulation 自适应差动脉冲编码调 ADPCMadaptive differential pulse code modulation 自适应差动脉冲编码调 ADPCManalog display services interface 模拟显示业务接口 ADSIanalog display services interface 模拟显示业务接口 ADSIanalog display services interface 模拟显示业务接口 ADSIanalog display services interface 模拟显示业务接口 ADSIanalog display services interface 模拟显示业务接口 ADSIasymmetric digital subscriber line 对称数字用户线(路) ADSLasymmetric digital subscriber line 对称数字用户线(路) ADSLasymmetric digital subscriber line 对称数字用户线(路) ADSL吸附作用 adsorption先进通讯服务 advanced communications service先进通讯服务 advanced communications service先进通讯服务 advanced communications service高级配置和电源接口 advanced configuration and power interface高级配置和电源接口 advanced configuration and power interface高级配置和电源接口 advanced configuration and power interface高级配置和电源接口 advanced configuration and power interface语际翻译 版权所有
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