successive approximation 连续-渐近法 S Asuccessive approximation 连续-渐近法 S AS 接口 S interfaceS/T 接口 S参考点 (ISDN用语) S reference point S/T interfacesample and hold 取样及保持 S/Hsample and hold 取样及保持 S/Hsystems application architecture 系统应用结构 SAAsystems application architecture 系统应用结构 SAAsystems application architecture 系统应用结构 SAAsuper audio compact disk 超级音频CD SACD安全接地 safety groundsoft adjacent layer 软相邻层 SALsoft adjacent layer 软相邻层 SALsoft adjacent layer 软相邻层 SALsoft adjacent layer 软相邻层 SALselective area laser deposition 选择区域激光沉积 SALDselective area laser deposition 选择区域激光沉积 SALDselective area laser deposition 选择区域激光沉积 SALD钐 samarium钐 samarium样品,采样 sample采样和保持 sample and hold采样和保持 sample and hold采样 sampling取样转换器 sampling converter语际翻译 版权所有
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