自适应速度控制 adaptive speed controlanalog to digital converter 模拟/数字转换器 ADCautomated defect classification 自动故障分类 ADCanalog to digital converter 模拟/数字转换器 ADCanalog to digital converter 模拟/数字转换器 ADCautomated defect classification 自动故障分类 ADCautomated defect classification 自动故障分类 ADCadvanced data communication control procedures 先进数控通讯控制程序 ADCCPadvanced data communication control procedures 先进数控通讯控制程序 ADCCPadvanced data communication control procedures 先进数控通讯控制程序 ADCCP附加的 add on附加卡 add on card附加卡 add on card加法器 adder无进位加法 addition without carry无进位加法 addition without carry附加费 additional charge附加费 additional charge附加费 additional charge相加的 additive加性白高斯噪声 additive white Gaussian noise加性白高斯噪声 additive white Gaussian noise地址,定位 address位址广播 address broadcast位址广播 address broadcast语际翻译 版权所有
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