- 财务词汇术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 放宽利率管制 deregulation of interest rates
- 衍生权证 derivative warrant
- 衍生产品/ 衍生工具 derivatives
- 衍生产品结算及交收系统 Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (DCASS)
- 衍生产品市场 / 衍生工具市场 derivatives market
- 衍生产品市场咨询小组 Derivatives Market Consultative Panel
- 指定银行 designated bank
- 委托存款* designated deposit
- 指定证券 designated securities
- 衍生产品及风险管理文凭课程 Diploma Course in Derivatives and Risk Management
- 两边客交易 direct business; direct business transaction
- 直接结算 direct clearing
- 直接结算参与者 Direct Clearing Participant (DCP)
- 直接存款/存账指示 Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)
- 直接扣款/扣账指示 Direct Debit Instruction (DDI)
- 直接纳入中央结算系统的新股 direct stock admission【CCASS】
- 纪律上诉委员会 Disciplinary Appeals Committee
- 《纪律案例》 Disciplinary Casebook
- 纪律委员会 Disciplinary Committee
- 纪律处分权力 disciplinary power
- 纪律程序 disciplinary procedures
- 免责声明 disclaimer
- 披露/ 披露事项 disclosure
- 披露权益 disclosure of interests
- 折让 discount