- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 空壳公司 shell company
- “借壳”上市;“买壳”上市;空壳公司重新活动 shell reactivation
- 深圳外汇交易中心 Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Centre
- 深圳证券登记公司 Shenzhen Securities Registration Company Limited
- 深圳证券交易所 Shenzhen Stock Exchange
- 新韩金融有限公司 Shinhan Finance Limited
- 静冈银行 Shizuoka Bank, Ltd.
- 空头;空仓;淡仓;卖空;超卖 short
- 认购期权淡仓 short call
- 补仓;补空仓;空头补进 short covering
- 淡仓期货合约 short futures contract
- 短期通知书 short notice
- 短期通知及定期存款 short notice and time deposit
- 资金紧绌 short of liquidity
- 空仓;淡仓;空头;短盘 short position
- 卖空证券 short sell securities
- 卖空;沽空;抛空 short selling
- 证券沽空制度 short selling system
- 短期证券 short-dated securities
- 短期存款 short-term deposit
- 短期经济指标 short-term indicator of economic condition
- 短期利率 short-term interest rate
- 短期票据 short-term paper
- 短期评级 short-term rating
- 差额;不足之数 shortfall