- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 可动产业 personal estate
- 遗产代理人 personal representative
- 债务人的遗产代理人 personal representative of a debtor
- 个人消费模式 personal spending pattern
- 个人课税 personal taxation
- 动产 personalty
- 与员工有关连的开支 personnel-related expenses
- 与员工有关连的开支分目 personnel-related expenses subhead
- “淡友” pessimist
- 呈请;呈请书 petition
- 呈请人 petitioner
- 提出呈请的债权人 petitioning creditor
- 石油美元 petro dollar
- 小额现款 petty cash
- 分期递增 phased increase
- 分期拨付开支 phasing of expenditure
- 费城证券交易所 Philadelphia Stock Exchange
- 菲律宾国家银行 Philippine National Bank
- 菲律宾披索 Philippine Peso
- 实物资产;有形资产 physical assets
- 实物商品;实货 physical commodity
- 票据实物交收 physical delivery of instrument
- 现货市场 physical market
- 现货价 physical price
- 以实物交易 physical settlement