- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 法定受托人 official trustee
- 抵销;弥补;冲销 offset
- 相抵持仓 offsetting position
- 离岸银行 offshore bank
- 海外借款 offshore borrowing
- 海外借款交易 offshore borrowing transaction
- 海外业务 offshore business
- 海外货币存款市场 offshore currency deposit market
- 离岸基金 offshore fund
- 海外利息 offshore interest
- 离岸再保险入息 offshore reinsurance income
- 离岸监理组织 Offshore Supervisors Group
- 大垣共立银行 Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd.
- 漏报入息 omission of income
- 漏报利润 omission of profit
- 记帐方式;赊帐方式 on account basis
- 资产负债表内的项目 on-balance-sheet item
- 间接成本;间接费用;附加行政费用 on-cost
- 场内买卖盘 on-floor order
- 转借 on-lending
- 实地审查 on-site examination
- “一手”证券 one board lot of securities
- 一家分行”的规定 one building condition “
- 单日掉期外汇期货 one day rolling currency futures
- 单日掉期外汇期货合约 one day rolling currency futures contract