- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 联名持有人 joint holder
- 连带责任;共同责任 joint liability
- 联合清盘人 joint liquidator
- 联合贷款 joint loan
- 联名拥有人 joint owner
- 共有权 joint ownership
- 共同呈请书 joint petition
- 联权共有财产 joint property
- 世界银行/国际货币基金组织联合秘书处 Joint Secretariat of the World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund
- 联合启事 joint statement
- 合股组织 joint stock association
- 联合技术工作小组〔由香港金融管理局、香港联合交易所有限公司及证券及期货事务监察委员会组成〕 Joint Technical Working Group Hong Kong Limited and Securities and Futures Commission
- 联权共有 joint tenancy
- 联权共有人 joint tenant
- 共同入息总额 joint total income
- 合营企业;联营企业;合资企业 joint venture
- 合营账户;合伙帐 joint venture account
- 合营企业协议 joint venture agreement
- 合营合约 joint venture contract
- 合股银行 joint-stock bank
- 《挪威股份公司法》 Joint-Stock Companies Act of Norway
- 合股公司 joint-stock company
- 日记帐分录 journal entry
- 判定债权人 judgment creditor
- 判定债项 judgment debt