- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 欧洲日圆贷款 Euroyen loan
- 逃缴税款 evade payment of tax
- 付款证据 evidence of payment
- 除净 ex all
- 无息票 ex coupon
- 除息;除股息 ex dividend
- 特惠结业津贴 ex gratia extinguishment allowance
- 特惠补助金 ex gratia grant
- 特惠津贴;特惠金 ex gratia payment
- 除权;除认股权 ex rights
- 除证;不附认股权证 ex warrant
- 审查;讯问;研讯 examination
- 盈余;超出额;免赔额 excess
- 额外流动资金 excess liquidity
- 多缴的税款 excess tax paid
- 超额价值 excess value
- 过高利率 excessive interest rate
- 兑换;汇兑;交易所 exchange
- 兑换帐 exchange account
- 外汇银行 exchange bank
- 香港外汇银行公会 Exchange Banks' Association, Hong Kong
- 外汇经纪 exchange broker
- 外汇结算协定 exchange clearing agreement
- 交易所公司 exchange company
- 汇率补偿津贴 exchange compensation allowance