- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 经济稳定计划 economic stabilization programme
- 经济支持 economic support
- 经济体系 economic system
- 经济变量 economic variable
- 经济可行性 economic viability
- 从事经济活动的人士 economically active person
- 从事经济活动的人口 economically active population
- 非从事经济活动的人口 economically inactive population
- 《经济学人》 Economist, The
- 经济;经济体系 economy
- 规模经济 economy of scale
- 渐落;微降 edge down
- 渐升;微升 edge up
- 教育资助金 education subvention
- 安泰授信有限公司 Edward Wong Credit Limited
- 实际汇率指数;有效汇率指数 effective exchange rate index
- 港汇指数;港元汇率指数 effective exchange rate index of Hong Kong dollar
- 实际利率 effective rate of interest
- 实际税率 effective rate of tax
- 无实际风险投资 effectively risk-free investment
- 考绩花红 efficiency bonus
- 弹性因素 elasticity factor
- 物价弹性;价格弹性 elasticity of price
- 长者住宿照顾开支的扣除额 elderly residential care expenses deduction
- 机电工程署暂记帐 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Suspense Account