- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 宣布破产 declaration of bankruptcy
- 宣布分派股息 declaration of dividend
- 无能力偿付债项声明书 declaration of inability to pay debts
- 无力偿还债务声明 declaration of insolvency
- 有偿债能力声明 declaration of solvency
- 信托声明;信托声明书 declaration of trust
- 《关于国际期货市场的合作和监管的联合声明》 Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision Covering International Futures Markets
- 投资管理合作声明 Declarations of Cooperation on Investment Management Persons
- 已公布收益 declared return
- 下跌;衰退 decline
- 解除管制 decontrol
- 扣除 deduct
- 可扣除;免赔额〔保险〕 deductible
- 扣除;扣减;扣除额;扣除项目 deduction
- 个人进修开支扣除额 deduction for expenses of self-education
- 契据;契约 deed
- 担保契约;保证契据 deed of guarantee
- 赔偿契据;还款保证书 deed of indemnity
- 授产契;组织安排契据 deed of settlement
- 放弃契据 deed of surrender
- 亏空公款;侵吞公款 defalcation
- 诽谤 defamation
- 拖欠;违约;失责行为 default
- 拖欠付款 default in payment
- 失责处理程序 default procedure