- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 亏损调整 adjustment of loss
- 调整过程;调整程序 adjustment process
- 调整幅度 adjustment range
- 受管制汇率 administered exchange rate
- 行政处〔香港金融管理局〕 Administration Division
- 行政费用 administration expenses
- 手续费;行政费 administration fee
- 破产管理 administration in bankruptcy
- 遗产管理令 administration order
- 管理人;遗产管理人 administrator
- 遗产管理人 administrator of the estate
- 债项承认书 admission of debt
- 接纳债权证明 admission of proof
- 放贷款项;垫付款项;预支款项;预付款项 advance
- 暂支帐目;预付款账户 advance account
- 预付补偿金 advance compensation
- 股东垫款 advance from shareholder
- 预支以待日后付还 advance pending reimbursement
- 先进经济体系 advanced economy
- 预付;预付财产 advancement
- 垫款令 advances warrant
- 贷出 advancing
- 逆差 adverse balance
- 逆汇 adverse exchange
- 在报章刊登的致股东通告 advertisement addressed to shareholders