- 财经专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 市况呆滞;平市 flat market
- 划一收费率 flat rate
- 划一免税额;定额津贴 flat rate allowance
- 划一收费 flat rate charge
- 弹性措施 flexibility arrangement
- 弹性汇率制度 flexible exchange regime
- 股票上市;股票挂牌买卖 floatation of shares
- 浮动押记 floating charge
- 汇率浮动的货币;浮动货币 floating currency
- 浮动损失;浮动亏损 floating loss
- 浮动利润 floating profit
- 浮动利率;浮动汇率 floating rate
- 浮息债券 floating rate bond
- 浮息存款证 floating rate certificate of deposit
- 浮动利率负债 floating rate liabilities
- 浮动利率票据;浮息票据 floating rate note
- 浮动汇率制度 floating rate regime
- 出市经纪 floor broker
- 市场委员会工作组〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕 Floor Procedures Working Group [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited]
- 交易所买卖单 floor ticket
- 出市代表;出市员 floor trader
- 大堂交易系统;场内交易系统 floor trading system
- 流程图 flow chart
- 不定数额透支 fluctuating overdraft
- 波动 fluctuation