- 财经专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 特许经营权合约 concession contract
- 优惠率 concessionary rate
- 协定;契约;国际监管条约 concordat
- 条件 condition
- 附有条件的背书 conditional endorsement
- 有条件要约 conditional offer
- 有条件售卖协议 conditional sale agreement
- 投标章程 conditions of tender
- 《业务操守指引──适用于根据〈杠杆式外汇买卖条例〉获发牌照的人士》 Conduct of Business Guidelines (for Licence Holders under the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance)
- 业务操守准则 conduct of business standard
- 保密谅解文件 Confidentiality Understandings
- 确认书 confirmation letter
- 信汇证明书 confirmation of mail transfer
- 已缴税证明书 Confirmation of Payment
- 保兑信用证 confirmed letter of credit
- 保兑银行 confirming bank
- 没收令 confiscation order
- 关连交易 connected transaction
- 共识资本主义 consensus capitalism
- 保守投资者 conservative investor
- 代价;对价;约因 consideration
- 代价发行〔上市方式〕 consideration issue [listing method]
- 现金以外的代价 consideration other than cash
- 收货人;代售人 consignee
- 托运;寄售 consignment