特首办 the Chief Executive's office改革的主要阻力 the chief opponents of reform政务司司长是下任特首的理想人选。 The Chief Secretary was an ideal candidate to be the
territory's next Chief Executive.中国共产党今日在北京召开十六大。 The Chinese Communist Party convenes its 16th congress
today in Beijing.中国外交部在周五强调他们已以安全理由警告国民不要前往伊拉克。 The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday
reiterated it had warned its citizens not to travel to Iraq for safety reasons.中国政府和人民有信心并且有能力早日解决台湾问题,统一中国。 The Chinese Government and people are
confident and capable of an early settlement of the Taiwan question and the complete
national reunification.中国政府从来没有做过对不起日本人民的事情。 The Chinese government has never done anything for
which it has to apologise to the Japanese people.中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》 the Chinese national anthem, March of the Volunteers香港中文大学(中大) the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)香港中文大学创业研究中心 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Center for
Entrepreneurship该书的中文版 the Chinese-language version of the book香港若不能与时并进,就可能失去国际金融中心的地位。 The city risked losing its status as an
international financial centre if it failed to change with the times.香港城市大学(城大) the City University of Hong Kong罢课行动 the class boycott内地与香港更紧密经贸关系安排 the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)联军遭受更多反击。 The coalition forces also braced for more retaliatory strikes.
资助则例 the Code of Aid银行营运守则 the Code of Banking Practice低息加上低楼价可提升买楼意欲,刺激私人楼宇市场。 The combination of low interest rates and low
prices made people more willing to buy on the private market.商务印书馆 The Commercial Press新机场调查委员会 the Commission of the New Airport Inquiry策略发展委员会 the Commission on Strategic Development青年事务委员会 The Commission on Youth伊斯兰长老会 the Committee of Muslim Scholars是广大市民的共同心愿 the common goal of our community 语际翻译 版权所有
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