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我拥戴「用者自付」原则。    "I am a firm believer in the ""user-pays"" principle."
十月尾,当香港记者问**他公开表态支持董特首连任是否等同「钦点」,他骂香港记者「思想简单」和「无知」。    "In late October, Mr Jiang accused the Hong Kong media of being ""simple"" and ""naive"" when asked if his public support for Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to run a second term amounted to an ""imperial order""."
对两岸关系带来不稳定因素    "introduce ""an element of unpredictability"" for cross-strait relations"
推出    $9.90饭盒introduced a $9.90 charge for rice boxes
冒充他人的*    *imposter
投资*    *署Invest Hong Kong
充气娃娃    /**娃娃inflatable partners/sex dolls
帐面上我已赚了    10%. I have earned about 10 per cent in face value already.
有线宽频通讯有限公司(    1097)i-CABLE Communications Ltd.
它已把月费由    110元降至67元。It has already cut monthly tariffs to as low as $67 from $110.
在北京,昨晚有多达    150名公安驻守来往中南海的道路。In Beijing, up to 150 police were posted along roads around the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing last night.
增加    167%的多元不饱和脂肪increasing polyunsaturated fats 167%
二合一冼发水    2-in-1 shampoo
集团宣布派法第二次中期息    32.5美仙,全年派息较去年上升百分之十。It also declared a second interim dividend of 32.5 US cents per share, boosting its full-year payout by more than 10 per cent over the previous year.
发行/出售    3500万股新股issue up to 35 million shares
股息    4% it pays a 4 per cent yield
民主党的得票率由九八年的百分之    42.6下跌至百分之34.7. Its share of the vote slipped from 42.6 per cent in the 1998 poll to 34.7 per cent.
每名投资者最少可获得一手(    500个)基金单位。Individual investors will each receive at least one board lot of 500 units.
过去十五年,超过七十万人接受器官移植。单是二零零一年,就有5,    510宗肾脏移植,数目仅次于美国。In the last 15 years, more than 700,000 people have received organ transplants. In 2001 alone, there were 5,510 kidney transplants, the second-highest number in the world after the United States.
动用了毕生积蓄购买    8000股电盈invested her life savings in 8,000 CyberWorks shares
我愿为此事负全责。    I accept full responsibility for that.
我觉得珊珊这名字很亲切。    I am comfortable with the name San San.
我对目前混乱的局面深表关注。    I am expressing deep concern over the current complex situation.
我本人愿意再次宣示,两岸对话与协商的大门永远是敞开的。    I am willing to once again declare that the door of cross-strait negotiation is wide open.
我相信他是合适人选。    I believe he is the right person.
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