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劳动保障行政部门按照国务院规定设立的经办失业保险业务的社会保险经办机构依照本条例的规定,具体承办失业保险工作。    Social insurance agencies engaging in unemployment insurance business established by administrative departments of labor security in accordance with provisions of the State Council will undertake concretely the unemployment insurance work.
社会保险经办机构为失业人员开具领取失业保险金的单证,失业人员凭单证到指定银行领取失业保险金。    Social insurance agencies shall issue documents to the unemployed on the basis of which they receive unemployment insurance compensation from designated bank.
失业保险调剂金的筹集、调剂使用以及地方财政补贴的具体办法,由省、自治区人民政府规定。    Specific measures for raising and adjusting adjustment funds of unemployment insurance and for local financial subsidies are to be stipulated by people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions.
城镇企业事业单位职工按照本人工资的百分之一缴纳失业保险费。    Staff and workers in enterprises and institutions in cities and towns shall pay unemployment insurance premium at a rate of 1% on the basis of their own salaries.
国务院关于工人退休退职的暂行办法    State Council Provisional Regulations on Retirement and Resignation of Workers
要严格掌握退休、退职条件和招工条件,防止因招收退休、退职工人子女而任意扩大退休、退职范围和降低招工质量。    Strict control should be imposed on the conditions for retirement, resignation or recruitment , guarding against any indiscriminate extension of retirement coverage or lowering of recruitment requirements.
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