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中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(三)导弹相关物项和技术的技术说明;    (3) technical specifications of the missile-related items and technologies;
(三)地形等高线绘制设备    (3) Terrain contour mapping equipment;
(三)中央军事委员会;    (3) The Central Military Commission;
(三)中华人民共和国政府部门;    (3) The government departments of the People's Republic of China.
(三)谈判、签署以本部门名义缔结协定的中华人民共和国政府部门首长,但是各方另有约定的除外;    (3) The heads of the government departments of the People's Republic of China who negotiate and sign the agreements concluded in the name of their departments, unless it is otherwise agreed by the contracting parties;
(三)外交部;    (3) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
(三)接受方保证,未经中国政府允许,不将中国供应的核两用品及相关技术向第三方转让。    (3) The recipient side guarantees not to transfer to a third party the dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies from China.
(三)县级以上地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会、人民政府、人民法院、人民检察院,专门人民法院,专门人民检察院;    (3) The standing committees of the local people's congresses, the local people's governments, the local people's courts, and the local people's procuratorates at or above the county level, as well as the special people's courts and the special people's procuratorates; and
三、有其它正当理由。    (3) they have other legitimate reasons.
(三)在设备完善的保险装置中保存。    (3) They shall be kept in perfectly equipped safes.
(三)不干涉接受国的内政。    (3) They should not interfere in the internal affairs of the recipient country.
  (三)鼓励和推动两岸教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育交流,共同弘扬中华文化的优秀传统;    (3) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits exchanges in education, science, technology, culture, health and sports, and work together to carry forward the proud Chinese cultural traditions;
??? (三)查阅、复制与进出境运输工具、货物、物品有关的合同、发票、帐册、单据、记录、文件、业务函电、录音录像制品和其他资料;对其中与违反本法或者其他有关法律、法规的进出境运输工具、货物、物品有牵连的,可以扣留。    (3) To examine or make copy of contracts, invoices, accounts, bills, records, documents, business letters, tape recordings, video recordings and other data which are related to the inbound and outbound means of transport, goods and articles; to detain those connected with the means of transport, goods and articles which are involved in violations of this Law or other laws and regulations;
(三)实行新闻管制;    (3) to impose press embargo;
(三)尊重香港特别行政区政权机构,尊重香港特别行政区的社会制度和生活方式;    (3) to respect the organs of political power, the social system and the ways of life of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
??? (三)未经海关许可并补缴关税,擅自出售特准进口的保税货物、特定减税或者免税的货物,数额较大的。    (3) To sell without Customs approval and payment of duties, the bonded goods imported upon special permission or goods enjoying specified duty reduction or exemption in relatively large quantities or of relatively high value.
(三)有关司法协助、引渡的条约、协定;    (3) Treaties and agreements relating to judicial assistance and extradition;
(四)能够试验推力大于90千牛顿的固体或液体推进剂火箭发动机或者能同时测量三个推力分量的试车台    (4) Test benches which have the capacity to handle solid or liquid propellant rocket motors of more than 90 kN of thrust, or which are capable of simultaneously measuring the three axial thrust components.
(四)国家驻外使馆、领馆和其他外交代表机构。    (4) The country's embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries.
(四)卫生、化工、环保等部门组建防化防疫队;    (4) The departments for public health, chemical industry and environmental protection shall organize anti-chemical and anti-epidemic teams;
(四)各级人民法院和专门人民法院;    (4) The people's courts at various levels and the special people's courts;
  (四)台湾当局的政治地位;    (4) the political status of the Taiwan authorities;
(四)中华人民共和国派往国际会议或者派驻国际组织,并在该会议或者该组织内参加条约、协定谈判的代表,但是该会议另有约定或者该组织章程另有规定的除外。    (4) The representatives accredited by the People's Republic of China to an international conference or international organization for the purpose of negotiating treaties or agreements in that conference or organization, unless it is otherwise agreed by the conference or otherwise provided for in the constitution of that organization.
(四)爱护香港特别行政区的公共财产和香港居民及其他人的私有财产;    (4) to cherish the public property of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the private property of Hong Kong residents and other persons; and
  (四)鼓励和推动两岸共同打击犯罪;    (4) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits cooperation in combating crimes; and
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