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中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


公安部门执行边防、治安、消防任务的船舶升挂国旗的办法,由国务院公安部门规定。    Measures for the display of the National Flag by public security vessels on frontier defence, security or fire control duties shall be prescribed by the departments in charge of public security under the State Council.
香港驻军人员在协助维持社会治安和救助灾害时,行使香港特别行政区法律规定的权力。    Members of the Hong Kong Garison may exercise the powers conferred by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the course of rendering assistance in the maintenance of public order or in disaster relief.
香港驻军人员并不得从事与军人职责不相称的其他任何活动。    Members of the Hong Kong Garrison shall not engage in any other activity incompatible with their functions and responsibilities as servicemen.
(一)颗粒尺寸小于500微米、不论球形的、椭球体的、雾化的、片状的或研碎的金属燃料,含下述任何金属或其合金,含量等于或大于97%:    Metal fuels with particle sizes less than 500 mm, whether spherical, atomized, spheroidal, flaked or ground, consisting of 97 percent by weight or greater of any of the following metal and alloys of these:
军品出口合同获得批准,方可成立。    Military export contracts are valid only upon such approval.
军品出口项目、合同,应当依照本条例的规定申请审查批淮。军品出口,应当凭军品出口许可证。    Military exports and contracts shall be filed for review and approval in accordance with the Regulations. Military exports must be accompanied by military export licenses.
中华人民共和国兵役法    Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China
军品贸易公司向国家军品贸易局申请批准军品出口合同时,应当附送接受国的有效证明文件。    Military trading companies shall append with the military export contract approval application the valid certification documents from recipient countries when filing with the State Bureau of Military Products Trade.
(四)混胺    Mixed amine;
4、数学模型    Models
1、模压的胶质推进剂    Molded colloid propellants;
(三)甲基肼    Monomethylhydrazine (MMH);
10、用于复合材料结构件、层压板材和制品的预成型件加压、固化、浇注、热压或粘接的注模、芯模、压模和工装夹具等    Moulds, mandrels, dies, fixtures and tooling for the preform pressing, curing, casting, sintering or bonding of composite structures, laminates and manufactures thereof
(1)最大工作压力等于或大于69兆帕    ① Maximum working pressure of 69 MPa or greater;
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