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(二)走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品集团的首要分子;    (2)ringleadersofgangsengagedinsmuggling,traffickingin,transportingormanufacturingnarcoticdrugs;
(三)在公共场所当众强奸妇女的;    (3) raping a woman before the public in a public place;
(三)在公共场所当众强奸妇女的;    (3) raping a woman before the public in a public place;
(三)奸淫被拐卖的妇女的;    (3) raping the woman who is abducted and trafficked in;
(三)奸淫被拐卖的妇女的;    (3) raping the woman who is abducted and trafficked in;
(三)驳回起诉;    (3) rejection of a complaint;
(三)多次盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的;    (3) repeatedly excavating and robbing sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs; or
(三)多次盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的;    (3) repeatedly excavating and robbing sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs; or
(三)按照执行机关规定报告自己的活动情况;    (3) report on his own activities as required by the organ executing the public surveillance;
(三)按照执行机关规定报告自己的活动情况;    (3) report on his own activities as required by the organ executing the public surveillance;
(三)未经录音录像制作者许可,复制发行其制作的录音录像的;    (3) reproducing and distributing an audio or video recording produced by another person without permission of the producer; or
(三)未经录音录像制作者许可,复制发行其制作的录音录像的;    (3) reproducing and distributing an audio or video recording produced by another person without permission of the producer; or
(三)抗拒铲除的。    (3) resisting the uprooting of such mother plants.
(三)抢劫银行或者其他金融机构的;    (3) robbing a bank or any other banking institution;
(三)抢劫银行或者其他金融机构的;    (3) robbing a bank or any other banking institution;
(三)抗拒铲除的。    (3)resistingtheuprootingofsuchmotherplants.
(四)二人以上轮奸的;    (4) raping a woman with one or more persons in succession; or
(四)二人以上轮奸的;    (4) raping a woman with one or more persons in succession; or
(四)宣读鉴定结论;    (4) reading of expert conclusions;
(四)拒绝执行卫生防疫机构依照传染病防治法提出的预防、控制措施的。    (4) refusal to execute the preventive and control measures proposed by the health and anti-epidemic agencies according to the Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.
(四)拒绝执行卫生防疫机构依照传染病防治法提出的预防、控制措施的。    (4) refusal to execute the preventive and control measures proposed by the health and anti-epidemic agencies according to the Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.
(四)接受委托后,无正当理由,拒绝辩护或者代理的;    (4) refusing to defend or represent a client, without good reason, after accepting authorization;
(四)离开所居住的市、县或者迁居,应当报经监督机关批准。    (4) report to obtain approval from the supervising organ for any departure from the city or county he lives in or for any change in residence.
(四)离开所居住的市、县或者迁居,应当报经监督机关批准。    (4) report to obtain approval from the supervising organ for any departure from the city or county he lives in or for any change in residence.
(四)返还财产;    (4) return of property;
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