威吓行为 threat behavior威胁 threaten颜色三属性 three attributes of color三类判断 three categories of judgment三色论 three color theory三元素论 three component theory三线放松法 three line relaxation三参数模式 three PL models三原色 three primary colors三种记忆系统 three types of memory system三才 three types of talent三度离间数据 threedimensional discrete data三维模式 threedimensional pattern面部表情三维模式图 threedimensional pattern of expression感觉三元论 threedimensional theory of feeling立体思维 threedimensional thinking三因子设计 threefactor design三相因子分析 threemode factor analysis三众数模式 threemode model三相三维数据 threemode threeway data三山问题 threemountain problem三针实验 threeneedle experiment三轨设计 threetrack plan三种记忆系统 threetypes of memory system三分法 threeway classification 语际翻译 版权所有
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