人际关系理论 theory of interpersonal relations内在价值论 theory of intrinsic values判断论 theory of judgment认识论 theory of knowledge领导品质理论 领导品质理论 theory of leadership traits学习驱动理论 theory of learning tendency寡欲说 theory of lessening desires人生说 theory of life部位记号说 theory of local signs逻辑类型理论 theory of logical types精神作用论 theory of mantel action成熟势力说 成熟势力说 theory of maturation potency意义理论 theory of meaning记忆理论 theory of memory记忆消退说 theory of memory decay单纯接触说 theory of mere exposure超越性动机理论 theory of metamotivation心身同一论 心身同一论 theory of mindbody identity动机理论 theory of motivation动机的自我估量理论 theory of motivational selfevaluation情欲多途说 theory of multiplicity of affections and desires天演论 theory of natural selection自然选择学说 自然选择学说 theory of natural selection需求满足论需求满足论 theory of need gratification损益说 theory of negative and positive effects of affections 语际翻译 版权所有
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