- 心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 膝关节 knee joint
- 膝部中性位置 knee neutral position
- 膝反射 kneejerk reflex
- 按钮 knob
- 挑剔的人 knocker
- 可知性 knowability
- 知识 knowledge
- 亲知 knowledge acquired by direct observation
- 闻知 knowledge acquired by learning from others
- 说知 knowledge acquired by logical reasoning
- 见闻之知 knowledge gained by seeing and hearing
- 知识体系 knowledge hierarchy
- 经验 knowledge of experience
- 知道结果 knowledge of result
- 知识结构 knowledge structure
- 诺克斯方体测验 Knox Cube Test
- 公害 kogai
- 柯尔伯格道德发展论 Kohlbergs moral stage theory
- 柯氏道德发展分期 Kohlbergs stages of moral development
- 柯斯积木图案测验 Kohs Block Design Test
- 柯斯二氏单一样本考验 KolmogorovSmirnov one sample test
- 柯斯二氏统计 KolmogorovSmirnov statistics
- 柯斯二氏二样本考验 KolmogorovSmirnov two sample test
- 粒状皮层 koniocortex
- 狂人 kook